MAGGIE TAYLOR (Cleveland Ohio, 1961)



Maggie Taylors Arbeiten entstehen in einer Folge einzelner Arbeitsschritte, welche von der Auswahl der Einzelelemente, auch alte Photographien, über die Zusammenführung und Kolorierung am Computer über die Nutzung des Flachbrettscanners reichen.

Teilweise werden die Motive direkt auf dem Glas des Scanners platziert. Maggie Taylor kreiert eine Art von „Digitalem Bild“, das auch und unverkennbar photographische Qualität hat.


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copyright: Maggie Taylor


University of Florida, M.F.A., 1987
Yale University, B.A. in Philosophy, Cum Laude, 1983
1987 Stipendiatin für ein MFA-Program in Photography an der University of Florida.
Erzählerische Photographien
Farbige Stillleben entstehen
Fragmente der Realität, wie altes Spielzeug, zerbrochene Flaschen, Tiere aus dem Garten bereichern ihre Arbeiten
Seit 1987 wurden ihr photographisches Werk in über 60 Einzelausstellungen in den Staaten gezeigt.
1996 und im Jahr 2001 nahm sie an den „State of Florida Individual Artist’s Fellowships” teil.

“For more than six years now I have been using a flatbed scanner instead of a traditional camera to record and interpret the objects I collect. I frequent flea markets and search on eBay for old tintypes and toys that seem to have a story to tell. Then in my studio I make small pastel drawings as backgrounds and scan each element into my computer separately. Using Photoshop I am able to arrange and play with these layers in much the same way that I worked with objects in my studio for a still life photograph. I work very spontaneously and intuitively, trying to come up with images that have a resonance and a somewhat mysterious narrative content. There is no one meaning for any of the images, rather they exist as a kind of visual riddle or open-ended poem, meant to be both playful and provocative.
Although my images are not traditional photographs, I definitely think of my scanner as a light-sensitive recording device. And there is a camera involved in making most of the images, it just happens that the camera was used over 100 years ago by a photographer who remains anonymous. Sometimes people are confused about my digital images and think that they are somehow reproductions of work that exists originally in some other form. I think of them as „digital originals“ since they are created in my computer using a scanner and they do not exist on film.
I do not photograph people, I am recycling 19th century unclaimed photographs of unknown people. Every once in a while I use a 35 mm point-and-shoot camera to collect bits of background material. When the image is finally done, which is a slow process and can take weeks or even months, I start to make proofs and then finished prints in editions of 40. My final prints are made on an Epson inkjet printer on a paper that gives the texture and look of a print or watercolor.”




2005 The Ultimate Eye Foundation Grant
2004 Santa Fe Center for Photography Project Competition Winner
2001 and 1996 State of Florida Individual Artist’s Grant
2000 Grand Prize Winner, Photo District News/PIX Magazine Annual Digital Imaging Competition




Center for Creative Photography, Tucson, AZ
City of Orlando, FL
Davidson College Art Gallery, Davidson, NC
Harn Museum of Art, Gainesville, FL
Harry Ransom Center, The University of Texas, Austin, TX
High Museum, Atlanta, GA
Huntingtion Museum of Art, Huntington, WV
Mobile Museum of Art, Mobile, AL
Musee de la Photographie, Charleroi, Belgium
Museet For Fotokunst, Odense, Denmark
Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, TX
Ogden Museum of Southern Art, New Orleans, LA
San Antonio Museum of Art, San Antonio, TX
Prudential Insurance Company, Newark, NJ
The Appleton Museum of Art, Ocala, FL
The Art Museum, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ
The Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH
The Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University,
Cambridge, MA
The Santa Barbara Museum of Art, Santa Barbara, CA
University of Louisville Photographic Archives, KY
University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV